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Food of Ghana

January 3, 2024

Students will explore the food of Ghana including traditional dishes and food sources. They will compare them with those of North Carolina, and discuss regions and why some items are more common in specific areas (rural, urban, coastal). 

The Women of Ghana

January 3, 2024

Students will examine the roles of women in contemporary Ghana, including but not exclusive to family, arts and literature, politics, and economy. 

The ABCs of Ghana

January 3, 2024

Students will explore an overview of contemporary Ghana with images presented in a digital alphabet book written in verse. They will draw conclusions, adjust misconceptions, and dive deeper into Ghanaian culture in grade level appropriate ways.

The Women of Senegal

April 4, 2023

Students will examine the roles of women in contemporary Senegal, including but not exclusive to family and economy.

Recycling in Senegal

April 3, 2023

Students will explore the relationship between manmade and natural resources and how recycling and repurposing can contribute to economics and cultural identities in Senegal.

Food in Senegal

April 3, 2023

Students will explore the food of Senegal, including traditional dishes and food sources.

Folktales of Senegal

April 3, 2023

Students will explore traditional folklore of Senegal, and make connections to familiar traditional folktales and to Griots.

The ABCs of Senegal

April 3, 2023

Students will explore images from in and around Dakar, drawing conclusions, adjusting misconceptions, and diving deeper into Senegalese culture in grade level appropriate ways.

Religion in Architecture

February 22, 2023

In this lesson, students will explore and compare major religious landmarks in Senegal.

Storytelling through Maps

February 22, 2023

In this lesson, students will look at different types of maps from Senegal and use them for fact finding and to draw conclusions about life, the economy, and the environment in Senegal.